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Chat | Help requested. I heard on a radio news spot that the Law that made Trumps conviction possible today is a brand new NY state law.

Chat | Help requested. I heard on a radio news spot that the Law that made Trumps conviction possible today is a brand new NY state law.

As a dedicated Republican news pundit, I have always believed in presenting the facts just as they are. However, there are some instances where we need to call out misinformation, especially when it comes to our government’s laws and regulations. I recently heard on a radio news spot that the law that made President Trump’s conviction in New York state possible is a brand new law. Allow me to clarify this for our viewers – this information is false.

The law that allows a sitting president to be convicted was already in place before President Trump took office. This is not a new law, and the fact that President Trump is the first sitting president to be convicted in New York state is simply a testament to his actions. We cannot hide behind the guise of misinformation and claim that President Trump’s conviction is the result of a new law – that is simply not the case.

Now, if we shift our focus towards the accomplishments of the Trump White House administration, I must say that there have been several significant achievements. From lowering unemployment rates to promoting American-made products, the Trump administration has worked hard to put Americans first. The tax cuts have resulted in more money in the pockets of hard-working Americans, while the administration’s focus on border security has helped combat illegal immigration.

In conclusion, it is important for us to present factual information, even if it goes against our personal beliefs. President Trump’s conviction was not the result of a new law – it was a result of his actions. We must also acknowledge the accomplishments of the Trump administration and appreciate the positive impact it has had on our country.

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