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Casey DeSantis gives him a warm welcome as legendary 'Rocky' actor and wife announce plans to move

In a tweet posted Friday, Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis welcomed legendary “Rocky” actor Sylvester Stallone to her state.

“Welcome to the Free State of Florida!” published. “In addition to respecting and protecting your constitutional and God-given right to be free, you can also buy toothpaste without having an armed guard at CVS to unlock it.”

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The message was posted after Stallone announced to his children on a recent episode of “The Family Stallone” that he and his wife intend to move out of Los Angeles.

“After long and hard consideration, your mother and I have decided it's time to move on and leave the state of California for good and move to Florida,” he said, adding that “they already have the place” and it's a “done deal”.

It is not clear when the episode was recorded but, according to Fox Newsthe couple decided to make the move in 2021.

“I was born and grew up there [in California]two of our sons were born there, but now everyone is out, our daughters moved to the East Coast … so I really had nothing left in California,” Stallone's wife, Jennifer Flavin, told Fox News in December.

“Some of our best friends moved in too, so I think so [a] a nice change, just making new friends, living a totally different lifestyle, I love it, I'm very happy,” he added.

However, she admitted that the move was not inspired by lawlessness and crime in California, thus suggesting that she is a leftist like most members of the Hollywood elite.

“There's crime everywhere, including in Florida, so I didn't move because of crime. You can find it everywhere you look, even in small towns,” he stated.

“I think California is probably the most beautiful state in America, I absolutely love it, but I just needed a change. I felt like I've been there long enough and life is short, so I wanted to make a change and not just be sitting in a house for the rest of my life,” she added.

Stallone, meanwhile, admitted in the Netflix documentary “Sly” that his decision was inspired by a need for more creative inspiration.

“I didn't move because, 'Oh, wow, I wanted another beautiful view.' Any time you change the paradigm that you've gotten used to, it's literally to kick it into gear [creative] process again,” he explained.

According to Fox News, Stallone's former home in LA included a statue of his iconic “Rocky” character. According to reports, he had originally planned to take the statue with him, but the home buyer, singer Adele, wasn't okay with that.

“This is a no-deal deal. This will blow the whole deal,” she reportedly said of him potentially taking the statue.

Flavin wasn't surprised.

“I'm not surprised, but I'm happy that he's at home and that he's making a lot of changes, and that's good. You have to make every house your own,” he said.

This all comes days after BizPac Review reported that Stallone had hired Navy SEALs to train two of his daughters, Sistine and Sophia, ahead of his own move to New York City.

“It was the most difficult. It was about six hours that we were in those woods,” Sistine, 25, told the New York Post. “Sophia and I were kicked in the ass by these guys. They were the real deal,” he said.

“And I'm not surprised that my dad put us through something like that because our whole lives we grew up with him doing this kind of military-style self-defense training,” he added.

During their childhood, for example, their father made them do a morning workout every day.

“It was a rigorous routine. Every day at 6 in the morning he made us eat eggs with tomato sauce. For some reason, that combination … to bulk up,” explained Sophia, 27. “But then it was a lot of crunches, push-ups, stretches, cleans and jerks.”

As for her recent training, which was filmed for a Paramount+ reality show, it even involved chasing chickens, ironically. Remember, in “Rocky II,” Stallone's character did the same thing.

“That's deceptively difficult. I went in there a little cocky, no pun intended,” Sistine said. “They hit my chicken.”

Stallone's youngest daughter, Scarlet, 21, was not forced to participate just because she lives in Miami.

“I was so happy not to be involved,” he told the Post.


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Casey DeSantis gives him a warm welcome as legendary 'Rocky' actor and wife announce plans to move
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