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California Hispanic families who value their children are making sacrifices to educate them at home

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Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

When I first got married and welcomed our first child, a baby born with Down syndrome, I was not a rich man by any standards. I had just lost my main job and was being supported by my local church when I started training for a new job when our first child was born.

I was advised that we were on Social Security Supplemental Benefits because we had a baby with Down syndrome, so we followed the recommendations of “health professionals” and began using government services for therapy with our new son with Down syndrome.

But it wasn’t long before I realized that any of the government services that were being offered to help my family, that could be much better for me in the context of our family, and so we stopped getting any government help and we started offering the same services. , only better, without your help.

This mindset continued when we welcomed our second and third children into the world and decided to homeschool them without government assistance.

It wasn’t easy, especially on a single parent’s income, as we struggled in those early days, but the blessings that followed, including career blessings, as I look back now, far exceeded anything that the government could have provided us.

We homeschooled our children all through high school, including a child with special needs.

I would do it all again.

And I would do anything to try to convince every other family to start doing the same, no matter what the obstacles to making that decision look like.

When you put your family and your family’s needs in God’s hands and ask Him to meet your needs, instead of relying on the government, you will receive incredible blessings, more than you ever imagined.

Here is a very nice article written by Joel Kilpatrick of The Conejo Guardian, a private publication in Ventura County, Southern California, about how many Hispanics are beginning to make the same decisions about the benefits of homeschooling their children in California, instead of putting in public schools.

This story takes place in Oxnard, home to many Hispanic farm workers in California.

Mr. Kilpatrick has given a voice to the voiceless and silenced during the COVID scam, interviewing nurses and others who have spoken out against the abuse of the medical system and “vaccine” mandates.

‘This is us’: More Hispanic families are choosing to homeschool

for Joel Kilpatrick
The Rabbit Guardian

Liz Luevano and Beto Martinez, married and living in Oxnard, were both public school teachers in Ventura County. But when it came time to choose a path for their daughters’ education, they decided to homeschool.

“I was totally hooked when I saw the benefits of homeschooling in families who had kids who went through the whole school experience at home and worked in different fields and were successful and happy,” says Liz , whose parents are from Jalisco, Mexico.

“I felt encouraged and knew it was something I wanted for my daughters. The more I researched and bought books and immersed myself in it, I said, ‘This is what we’re going to do. This is us.'”

Liz was teaching at a public charter school at the time, but it bothered her that her oldest daughter kept coming home from kindergarten feeling sick.

“We’d noticed for years that he was getting sick all the time, but we weren’t really putting it together,” says Liz. “I was so busy working and it felt like I wasn’t at home and I wasn’t really paying attention.”

Liz and Beto, whose family immigrated from Michoacan, eventually concluded that their daughter’s health problems were related to the dozens of vaccinations required to attend public schools.

At the time, the couple “didn’t even know homeschooling was an option,” Liz says, until she started following homeschooling moms on social media and liked what she saw.

“I was looking for anything I could find. I spent hours and days researching,” he says.

When her teaching job ended in 2017, she was ready to embrace the change and try homeschooling, but the family faced major potential obstacles.

“At first, it was very scary for both of us, especially since my husband was finishing his credentialing program to become a teacher, so my income was the main income in our household,” says Liz.

“We survived on loans and credit cards for a while there and it felt like we were on our way out. I could have easily said, ‘I’m going to look for another job,’ and that was in the back of my mind, but at the same time, I had this new focus where I had to find out what was going on with my daughter.”

Finally he said to Beto:

“I will not work again. I don’t know what we’re doing, but that’s more important than anything right now.”

“I was a little scared,” Beto confesses with a laugh.

“I was going through, ‘Whoa, what are we going to do? An income, here in California, is very expensive and it is very difficult to get by on an income.

But I took it day by day and said, ‘You know what? This is what is best for our family and our daughters, for their mother to be home with them. But I was very afraid of not knowing what would happen in the future.”

Homeschoolers made up nearly 7 percent of all K-12 school-age children in the US in 2020-2021, according to the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), and a national study cited by the Department of US Education in 2019 shows that 41 percent of homeschoolers are black, Asian, Hispanic, or of other non-white ethnicities.

Best estimates say that homeschooling is growing rapidly at 10% annually. That means roughly 5.5 million children are being homeschooled in the US this year, and the spectrum of families is incredibly diverse.

Beto and Liz made their decision and moved into a studio to help make the lifestyle change more feasible.

“That helped us financially,” says Liz. “We knew it was a sacrifice we would have to make, and we were fine with it.”

Liz began teaching the girls at the dining room table and initially experimented with “unschooling.”

“The first year, I almost took some time off to get back in touch with them because I feel like we were disconnected,” she says.

“I didn’t get home until 7pm when I was working at the public school, so I felt I needed to reconnect with my daughters and get to know who they were. This has helped me a lot to understand and get to know them. From there, we started to integrate more topics.”

She believes that homeschooling “can take many different forms” and is less about using her teaching skills and more about imparting “who I am and what I want my daughters to learn from me.”

“That’s the motherly aspect that comes out of me: with my patience and wanting to inform them as much as I can,” she says.

“I’m not writing lesson plans like I did when I was a teacher and saying, ‘Let’s run this, then we’re going to test you and do all these assessments.’ That’s not what I’m doing.”

The girls, now 11 and 7, enjoy doing homework at the dining room table, and wherever they go.

“We’re happy to be home,” says Liz.

“We love to do crafts and make art, anything like that. We go out with friends; we go out with family. … We buy resumes and have open discussions and just start talking about things with them. We answer all their questions. it’s about creating opportunities and moments. If we see that there’s interest, we’ll go as far as they want. That’s our kind of homeschooling. We’ll pick up a book and start reading and start researching.”

Beto continues to work in the public school and is in his fourth year of teaching.

“Teachers who find out we’re homeschooling tell me, ‘You’re such a contradiction,'” she says.

“[But] I believe that what I am doing is the best for my girls and for our family. As a teacher, I try to teach the best I can and bring the same values ​​I have at home to my classroom.”

Numerous homeschool parents interviewed by The Conejo Guardian express great relief at avoiding the harmful sexual ideologies and racially charged material presented in today’s K-12 public school classrooms.

“We’ve definitely dodged a lot of bullets,” Liz says, laughing.

“It was a shock to see [these agendas] to pass so quickly and be accepted so quickly into the school system and society in general. I’ve started to see that there are all these things I’m against being taught in public schools, so I knew I did the right thing by taking my daughter out.”

In fact, the main reason parents choose to homeschool is concern for school environments, according to the NHERI.

But many Hispanics “feel like they don’t have options, that they don’t have a voice,” Beto says.

“They go with all these things and say, ‘I have to send my son or my daughter to school, so whatever the state decides to teach them, we’re going to have to go with it because we both have to work.” he says.

“They’re too busy with two jobs trying to make ends meet. In many Latino communities, parents feel that the teacher and the state are making the right decisions for them. … Many of these parents are afraid until and everything to say something”.

Within their own community of friends and family, Liz and Beto are the exceptions when it comes to homeschooling.

“You get different reactions from people,” says Liz. “Some are kind of offended because you’re almost challenging their lifestyle just by living your own life. It’s funny the reactions you get.”

As trained teachers, they both believe that all parents are capable of teaching their children at home.

“You don’t need credentials to homeschool,” says Liz.

A study by the University of St. Thomas showed that homeschoolers have a 10 percent higher graduation rate than public school students. NHERI researcher Brian Ray writes that home-schooled students score 15 to 30 percent higher than public school students on standardized academic achievement tests.

But for Beto, Liz and their daughters, the benefits go beyond superior academic preparation.

“There are sacrifices we’ve had to go through because of this decision, but being home and knowing my daughters on a deeper level, and being there for them in a way that I wouldn’t have been otherwise. way, it’s priceless,” Liz. he says

Read the full article at The Rabbit Guardian.

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Posted on February 5, 2023

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