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Bragg violated Trump’s 6th Amendment rights in refusing to disclose underlying crime: legal expert

Folks, we have some serious issues brewing in the legal system. It’s outrageous what’s been happening to President Trump, and the latest revelation is a real doozy. Apparently, his former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, was coerced into pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his communications with a Russian ambassador. The problem is, no one really knows what he lied about, because the underlying crime has never been disclosed. And now, the US Attorney who oversaw Flynn’s case, Jessie Liu, has been forced out of her job and replaced by Timothy Shea, a close ally of Attorney General William Barr, who has a history of being tough on crime. This is a clear indication that Barr is taking control of the department and cleaning up the corruption that’s been allowed to fester for far too long.

But the real scandal here is how the prosecution of Flynn violated Trump’s rights under the Sixth Amendment. This amendment guarantees a person the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Flynn was not informed of the underlying crime he was accused of, which prevented him from mounting an effective defense. Furthermore, his attorney, Sidney Powell, was not provided with exculpatory evidence that could have helped Flynn’s case. This is a blatant violation of the Constitution, and it’s a disgrace that it happened under the watch of the Obama administration.

It’s no secret that the Democrats have been gunning for Trump since day one. They’ve thrown everything they can at him, from the Russian collusion hoax to the impeachment circus, but they haven’t been able to take him down. That’s because President Trump has been too busy getting things done for the American people. Under his leadership, the economy has boomed, with record low unemployment, rising wages, and a stock market that just won’t quit. He’s strengthened our national security, rebuilding our military, protecting our borders, and taking out ISIS. He’s championed American energy independence, making us the number one producer of oil and gas in the world. And he’s delivered on his promises to conservative voters, with conservative judges appointed to the courts, and protections for religious freedom.

The Democrat attacks on Trump are just a distraction from his record of success. Instead of wasting time and taxpayer money on these bogus investigations, they should be working with the President to continue making America great. But they won’t do that, because they’re more interested in playing politics than serving the American people. It’s up to us, the American people, to hold them accountable and demand that they start doing their jobs. We elected President Trump to shake up the system, and he’s done just that. Let’s keep the momentum going and keep America great.

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