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Birds Aren’t Real? Wild Conspiracy Theory Given New Life After School Reveals It’s Converting Birds Into Drones

Birds Aren’t Real? Wild Conspiracy Theory Given New Life After School Reveals It’s Converting Birds Into Drones

Birds Aren’t Real? Wild Conspiracy Theory Given New Life After School Reveals It’s Converting Birds Into Drones

The Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy theory has been re-ignited with some bizarre new claims being made about our feathered friends.

According to this wild theory, birds are not real animals but are instead surveillance drones created by the government to keep an eye on the population.

The theory was first posted online in 2017, and has since gained a cult following on social media. But it seems to have been given new life in recent weeks, following the discovery of a disturbing “birdhouse” in a local schoolyard.

It is said that the school was alarmed to find that the birdhouses that had been located on their property did not contain actual birds, but rather, a complex system of wires, batteries, and other electronic components.

Some believe that this is evidence that the government is converting real birds into drones, making them indistinguishable from the real thing.

The conspiracy theory website claims that this is all part of a government conspiracy to surveil the citizenry. “Over the past 60 years, the government has been systematically replacing real birds with these sophisticated machines. Today, there are no real birds left. They have all been replaced with drones.”

While the idea that our feathered friends are actually drones may seem absurd to most people, the popularity of the theory is growing, with thousands of people subscribing to the Birds Aren’t Real Instagram account and merchandise being sold. The theory has even made its way to the mainstream, with merchandise and T-shirts available on Amazon.

Although this conspiracy theory may seem like a joke, it has the potential to be harmful. It spreads misinformation and distrust while ignoring scientific evidence. Birds are a vital part of our ecosystem, and to suggest they are all drones is simply preposterous.

The idea that birds are drones is a dangerous one as it delegitimizes the hard work and expertise that goes into observing birds in their natural environment. It also feeds into a culture of paranoia and mistrust that can have real-world consequences.

In summary, the Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy theory is a wild and unfounded idea that has gained popularity in recent years. While it may seem harmless to some, it spreads misinformation and mistrust, and has the potential to be harmful. We should all respect our feathered friends, and not jump to wild and unfounded conclusions about them.

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