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Biden Regime Offers Official Condolences to 'Butcher of Tehran' [VIDEO]

Biden Regime Offers Official Condolences to 'Butcher of Tehran' [VIDEO]

The Biden regime was extended official condolences for the tragic death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who, along with other Iranian officials, died in a helicopter crash in northern Iran over the weekend. Raisi, known as the “Butcher of Tehran”, was a controversial figure whose aggressive foreign policies increased tensions with the West and authoritarian domestic practices deeply affected the Iranian population.

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In a statement Monday, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller conveyed America's condolences for the untimely passing of Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian and other members of the delegation involved in the 'fatal accident in northwestern Iran. The State Department also reiterated its commitment to support the Iranian people in their pursuit of human rights and fundamental freedoms as it navigates the selection of a new leader.

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Raisi, who assumed the presidency in 2021 after serving in various positions within the Iranian regime, had a dark history dating back to his time as a prosecutor in 1988. He was notoriously part of the “death commission” responsible for the mass execution of thousands of people. political prisoners, Raisi earned the disturbing nickname “The Butcher”. His tenure as president witnessed a persistent pattern of human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detentions, torture, and suppression of political and religious freedoms, as detailed in the State Department's 2023 Reports on human rights practices.

In addition, Raisi defended the Iranian regime's support for terrorist activities globally, with Iranian-backed groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis carrying out attacks against US, Israeli and Western interests. Critics have expressed concern over the Biden regime's response to Raisi's death, with Jason Brodsky of United Against Nuclear Iran highlighting the perceived lack of a coherent Iran policy by the administration

Ebrahim Raisi's passing marks an important step for Iran and the broader geopolitical landscape, raising questions about the future direction of the Iranian regime and implications for US foreign policy in the region.

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