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Biden is verified in oblivion about the lies about the main issue of the voters [VIDEOS]

Biden is verified in oblivion about the lies about the main issue of the voters [VIDEOS]

On Tuesday, Joe Biden was embroiled in controversy after repeatedly making false claims about the inflation rate when he “came into office.” When fact-checked by various media outlets, it found that consumer price index (CPI) inflation for January 2021, the last reading when Biden took office, was 1 .4 percent. However, Biden continued to claim that inflation was nine percent when he took office, drawing significant scrutiny.

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Inflation rose under Biden to record highs not seen since the early 1980s, largely attributed to his massive spending packages. The Republican National Committee estimated that the average family in Wisconsin lost $21,981 due to the cost of living increase under Biden. Also, the cost of a McDonald's Big Mac meal rose to $18 in some locations, up from $10 in 2018 during Trump's presidency.

CBS News recently reported in an article titled “Voters in Battleground States Say Economy Is Top Issue”:

In Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are engaged in close contestsA majority of voters said the economy will be a big factor in deciding who they will vote for, according to a poll by CBS News and YouGov.

In Michigan, 80% of voters say the economy is the top issue for them, followed by 77% of voters who say inflation is…

In both Pennsylvania and Washington, 80% of voters ranked the economy as one of the issues they are most concerned about this election.

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The establishment media, including the Associated Press (AP), CNN, The Washington Post, National Review, Forbes, and The Daily Mail, conducted fact-checks on Biden's claims and concluded they were false. The AP reported that inflation peaked at 9.1% in June 2022, long after Biden took office, and had fallen to 3.4% as of the latest data release.

CNN reported Biden's use of the 9% inflation figure in interviews and a White House official's subsequent explanation of factors contributing to inflation when Biden took office. The Washington Post awarded Biden four Pinocchios for his claims, noting his inconsistency in writing and attributing higher inflation to the pandemic rather than his policies. National Review and Forbes also criticized Biden for the false claims, raising concerns about deliberate deception or bad memory.

Other fact checks compiled by Breitbart:

Washington Post gave Biden four Pinocchios:

Biden has tried to explain that inflation was largely the fault of the pandemic, not his policies, and that his administration has made great strides in reducing it. But in doing so, he has been sloppy in his phrasing. Twice in the past week alone, he has flatly said that inflation was 9 percent when he became president, when inflation was 1.4 percent when he took office.

White House officials say Biden means the drivers for 9 percent inflation by mid-2022 were already in place when he took office. In other words, higher prices for goods and services would have happened no matter who was elected president in 2020.

National Review booted Biden for the false claim:

One possibility is that Biden knows this is false, and this is a deliberate effort to mislead the public and get people to associate high inflation with Donald Trump's presidency and not his own.

Another possibility is that Biden misremembered the inflation rate when he took office, was informed that his claim was false, and has since forgotten the correct numbers. Special counsel Robert Hur, among others, claimed that Biden's memory is poor.

Forbes he wrote:

Biden he told Yahoo Finance inflation was “at 9% when I came in,” repeating a claim made by a CNN interview earlier this month (inflation was 1.4% year-on-year when Biden took office in January 2021, according to the consumer price index).

The daily mail reported:

Biden made a false claim about rising inflation during his time in office in an interview with Yahoo Finance.

“I think inflation has picked up slightly,” Biden said in the interview. He claimed it was at “nine percent when I came in, and now it's down to about 3 percent.”

While inflation reached more than 9 percent during his presidency as the United States emerged from the pandemic, it was less than two percent (1.4 percent year-on-year in January 2021) when he began presidency

This ongoing controversy over Biden's inflation claims has caught the attention of the public and media alike, sparking debates about the accuracy of his statements and the factors driving inflation under his presidency.

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