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Are your friends and family injected with COVID vulnerable to neurological side effects?

Neurological damage is slow to manifest itself. Are you watching it now?

The list of complications, conditions and diseases resulting from COVID vaccinations is almost endless and can affect any organ system in the body. Pfizer knew it. Here is his document. Look at the last 8 pages for the list of over 1,100 serious side effects and deadly diseases that Pfizer knew would happen to those who took even ONE injection. And the FDA gave them a pass, approving the shot with an emergency use authorization, so they couldn’t be sued.

We published an article on The Tenpenny Reports: They all knew.

When I wrote both e-books – “The 20 Mechanisms of Injury (MOI)” and then “The 20 More Mechanisms of Injury (MOI)”: By 2021, 10 of the 40 MOIs of how COVID-19 shots can make you sick or kill you were neurological .

Here is the list of eBooks: (MOI = Mechanisms of Injury)

MOI #9 – Loss of the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BHE).
MOI #10 – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
MOI #11 – Degeneration of the frontotemporal lobe: (various types)
MOI #12 – Circulating S1 spike protein and brain damage
MOI #13 – Spike protein binds to acetylcholine receptors (AChR)
MOI #14 – Visual disorders
MOI #15 – Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) – variant of GBS
MOI #16 – Facial paralysis
MOI #17 – Multiple sclerosis
MOI #18 – Immune response to stimulate spike proteins against brain cells

Since these reference papers were published (between late 2020 and mid-2021), I have identified several more MOIs, and it seems that more studies are coming out every week that confirm the 40 mechanisms I originally identified.

STUDY OF THE WEEK: How SARS-CoV2 affects the brain and its implications for currently used vaccines (Oldfield, et al.)

This study published by Oldfield in January 2022 is truly revealing. Here’s just the summary, slightly edited for clarity:

This mini-review focuses on the mechanisms of how SARS-CoV-2 affects the brain, with an emphasis on the role of the spike protein in patients with neurological symptoms.

After infection, patients with a history of neurological complications may be at higher risk of developing long-term neurological conditions associated with the disease. prion α-synuclein, such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies.

Compelling evidence has been published to indicate that the spike protein, which is derived from SARS-CoV-2 and generated from vaccines currently working not only is it able to cross the blood-brain barrier, but it can cause inflammation and/or blood clots in the brain.

Accordingly, vaccine-induced expression of spike proteins would not be limited to the site of injection and draining lymph nodes [we now know they do NOT remain localized] There is the potential for long-term implications after inoculation that may be identical to those in patients who develop neurological complications after being infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Much more in the direct link

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