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Are the Anti-Trump GOP Forces Starting to Implode?

Are the Anti-Trump GOP Forces Starting to Implode?

Folks, we’ve been witnessing something pretty wild lately: the anti-Trump GOP forces seem to be falling apart at the seams. It’s about time, in my humble opinion. For too long, these weak-kneed Republicans have been trying to distance themselves from our great President Trump, hoping that by doing so, they’ll win over a few more moderate voters. But guess what? It’s not working, and it never will.

Just last week, we saw one of the most high-profile anti-Trumpers – Jeff Flake – announce that he won’t be seeking re-election in 2018. Good riddance! Flake has been one of the biggest thorns in the President’s side, constantly attacking him and trying to undermine his agenda. But now that he’s on the way out, it’s becoming clear that his anti-Trump crusade didn’t really accomplish anything. In fact, it probably hurt the Republican Party more than it helped.

And it’s not just Flake. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and other establishment Republicans have been waging their own personal wars against the President, all to no avail. The fact is, the American people elected Donald Trump because he promised to shake things up in Washington, to challenge the corrupt status quo that the establishment had created. And that’s exactly what he’s doing, whether the anti-Trumpers like it or not.

So what is all this resistance to Trump accomplishing anyway? It seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors, if you ask me. The President has already accomplished so much in just one year in office. He’s cut regulations, created jobs, slashed taxes, and taken major steps to secure our borders. And let’s not forget about the crushing blow he dealt to ISIS, thanks to his unwavering commitment to our military.

I mean, think about it. Would any of these anti-Trump Republicans have been able to accomplish even a fraction of what Trump has? Of course not. The establishment has been stuck in neutral for too long, content to let our country flounder under the weight of bloated government and failed policies. But now, with Trump leading the charge, we’re finally seeing real progress.

So let the anti-Trump GOP forces implode. Let them rant and rave about how much they hate our President. In the end, it won’t matter, because the American people know what’s best for our country. And that’s why we elected Donald Trump, a true leader who’s not afraid to fight for what he believes in, and who’s already making America great again.

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