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Apple files more patents on biometric IDs: Is the iPhone now the baddest device on the planet?

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Apple’s iPhone is currently used by more than 120 million people in the US, capturing nearly 50% of the mobile smartphone market. (Source.)

Worldwide, about 1 billion people use Apple iPhones. (Source.)

If you own an Apple iPhone, do you have any idea how much of your personal life and data is now owned by Apple in exchange for allowing you to buy and use one of their devices?

Apple works closely with the US government and its intelligence agencies to track as much information as possible.

In an article published today, June 1, 2023, Reuters reports that Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claims that the US NSA has used Apple iPhones for a US spying operation in Russia .

Russia says US hacked thousands of Apple phones in espionage plot

MOSCOW, June 1 (Reuters) – Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said on Thursday it had uncovered a U.S. spying operation that compromised thousands of iPhones using sophisticated surveillance software.

Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab said dozens of its employees’ devices were compromised in the operation.

The FSB, the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, said in a statement that several thousand Apple Inc ( AAPL.O ) devices had been infected, including those of domestic Russian subscribers as well as foreign diplomats based in Russia and the former Soviet. union

“The FSB has uncovered an intelligence operation by US special services using Apple mobile devices,” the FSB said in a statement.

The FSB said the plot showed “close cooperation” between Apple and the National Security Agency, the US agency responsible for cryptographic and communications intelligence and security.

Kaspersky CEO Eugene Kaspersky said on Twitter that dozens of his employees’ phones were compromised in the operation, which his company described as “an extremely complex and professionally directed cyber attack” that had been targeted to “senior and middle management” workers.

Kaspersky researcher Igor Kuznetsov told Reuters that his company had independently discovered anomalous traffic on its corporate Wi-Fi network earlier this year. (Read the full article.)

Source of the image.

Apple has received dozens of patents in recent weeks to use biometrics with a national identifier, including fingerprints, faces and the irises of your eyes.

Apple patents multi-function digital ID with vivacity and other security features

A US patent has been granted to link biometric authentication to a person’s digital ID. It will likely be combined with a patent-pending way to record biometrics from under a screen.

Apple received this patent this week. It covers Face and Touch ID authentication and automates many processes involving a digital ID in the company’s digital wallet application.

Earlier this year, Apple applied for a patent to capture facial, finger and iris biometrics through a device’s screen.

Diagrams in the granted patent show how a phone owner, after enrolling in a state or federal ID program using their government ID and biometric selfie check, would choose from a list of government identification agencies. This is where the person would link the identification data from the phone or other device to their state profile. (Read the full article.)

Apple today won 65 patents covering Apple Wallet driver’s license and state ID credentials, iPhone sidewall displays and virtual buttons

In September 2020, Patently Apple published an IP report titled “Apple patent reveals developing security ID system linked to national database to help brick-and-mortar retailers and more.”

It was the start of Apple’s move toward a national ID and driver’s license app for Apple Wallet.

In April 2021, Apple received its first patent granted for this project on a different technology aspect before Apple made this project public at WWDC-2021.

In December 2022, Patently Apple published a report titled “A new Apple digital ID patent has surfaced adding a new ‘Vividness Check’ procedure and adding ‘Touch ID’ to credentials”.

Today, Apple received this patent. (Read the full article.)

Back in April we reported how Apple was partnering with banking giant Goldman Sachs to offer attractive rates on savings accounts through its Apple Wallet. I will see:

Apple turns iPhone into ultimate tracking tool by offering banking services: Will AppleID become a national digital identifier?

Within four days of Apple launching its high-yield savings account, Apple iPhone users deposited nearly $1 billion into the new account. (Source.)

This made Apple an overnight success in online banking, threatening Paypal and other competing companies.

Apple is reaching more into your pocket. Why they should fear PayPal and other fintechs.

Banks have lost nearly $1 trillion in deposits over the past year as money flowed into higher-yielding money market funds. One company taking some of the cash: Apple. The iPhone maker recently launched a savings account with a yield of 4.15%, 10 times the national average for banks. “We’re very pleased with the initial response,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told analysts in early May.

Apple doesn’t aspire to be a bank, but it is digging deeper into financial services, aiming to generate additional revenue while keeping its billion-plus iPhone users connected to Apple’s ecosystem.

The company is expanding into payments with its Apple Pay service. It has built a credit card business with Goldman Sachs Group ( GS ), its savings account partner, and is considering a buy-now, pay-later take on companies like Affirm ( AFRM ), Block ( SQ) and PayPal. Holdings (PYPL). (Full article.)

But now, more than a month later, many iPhone users are complaining that even though it was very easy to deposit funds a the new Apple account, obtaining these funds out of the account has often proved difficult.

‘A Total Nightmare’: Transfer Delays With New Apple-Goldman Savings Accounts Quick Complaints

When Kevin Smyth heard in April that Goldman Sachs and Apple were offering a savings account with higher returns than anyone else, he jumped at the chance to shift less-earning money to another online bank. But after a few weeks, when he had to withdraw a small part of the funds to pay for a house renovation, everything went wrong.

A transaction that was supposed to take one to three business days ended up taking nearly two weeks to clear, forcing Smyth to sell shares through a Fidelity account to get the money for the rollover. Smyth now says he plans to close his Apple savings account, disappointed with Apple and Goldman and the way he was treated by customer service staff.

He described being “lectured” by representatives who scolded him for moving money in and out of savings accounts so quickly, even though the account terms and conditions described no restrictions on doing so.

“I looked at the interest rate and thought, ‘Well, it’s Apple and Goldman Sachs, it should be great.’ I should open an account,’” he said in an interview. “Like an idiot, I moved all my money there.”

Smyth is part of a wave of Apple Savings customers who have filed similar complaints after moving to the lucrative deposit account: Money moves in quickly, but withdrawing funds every now and then can become a long, confusing and exasperating ordeal. (Full article.)

A couple of weeks ago we reported on Sam Altman’s World ID and WorldCoin company that is quickly using an “Orb” to scan the eyeballs of people around the world to create a new “World ID” in exchange for cryptocurrency “free”, which they plan. to use it as “universal basic income” (RBU). I will see:

Get ready for World ID and WorldCoin Universal Basic Income offering free money in exchange for your eyeball scan

They created the “Orb” to scan irises because smartphone camera technology was not yet advanced enough to be used for this type of biometric identification.

But Apple is clearly in the process of developing the same now for the iPhone, and how long will it be before these technologies converge together and then be used by government sources to link everyone for a worldwide ID in a database in the new database. Beast marketing system?

Apple’s iPhone devices are already in the hands of more than a billion people, including half of the U.S. population that owns a smartphone, so you can bet Apple will be a big part of that.

So why do you still have an iPhone? Do you not recognize that it is an instrument of evil?

Just look at the Apple logo, the apple with a bite. What does this represent?

The serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made.

He said to the woman: “Did God really say, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden?’

The woman said to the snake, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but not from the tree in the middle of the garden. God has said, “You shall not eat of it.” You will not touch it, lest you die.’

The serpent said to the woman, “You will not really die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good. and evil.”

When the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate; and she gave some to her husband with her, and he also ate some. (Genesis 3:1-6)

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Published on June 1, 2023

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