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HomeHappening NowAnne Wilson Smith on the Sixth Anniversary of Charlottesville: Pervasive Left Lies...

Anne Wilson Smith on the Sixth Anniversary of Charlottesville: Pervasive Left Lies About Uniting the Still-Dominant Right | Blog posts


Today is the sixth anniversary of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. is among a small handful of media outlets that have reported facts about the demonstration showing that the permitted event, which was carefully planned to be peaceful and lawful, was sabotaged by a violent leftist mob with tacit approval of Democratic officials. at the local, state and national level. Anarchy broke out in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017, and within hours, the legacy media and career politicians proclaimed to the masses their nefarious version of events: violent white supremacists, fueled by hatred and bloodlust, had descended upon Charlottesville visiting chaos. on innocent residents and peaceful counter-protesters.

This myth became the seed of a dominant narrative of communist revolutionaries. When President Biden first announced his candidacy for president in 2019, he cited Charlottesville and then-President Trump misrepresented the “very good people” statement as motivation. More recently, Biden has affirmed that “White supremacy is the most dangerous terrorist threat in our land.” This claim, while demonstrably false, is important as a justification for the punitive actions the regime is taking against legacy Americans who dare oppose its plans.

New books have been published advancing the myth, presenting uncontested accounts of left-wing activists’ interpretation of events as journalism. An example is 24 hours in Charlottesville: An Oral History of the Stand Against White Supremacy, for Nora Nosewho has written for CNN, vice, Politician and the Washington Post. His work “crafts an extraordinary narrative from the voices of the students, religious leaders, politicians and community members who were there…” UVA Professor Aniko Bodroghkozy, whose studies have “focused on media and white supremacy in a comparative historical context,” was herself a counter-protester at Unite the Right. In her book, she positions“…

Not only do politicians, NGOs and pseudo-journalists solidify the mythic interpretation of Unite the Right, art and fiction are now being created that generate empathy and moral justification for the left’s fanciful interpretation of events.

A work of fiction, Luernes and Zeros, by Liz Larson, is set the year after Unite the Right. According to the Cavalier Daily, the Charlottesville native protagonist “…learns to see beyond his denial of his hometown’s flaws by looking at the city through the eyes of the underrepresented. Larson deftly weaves in the perspectives of women, people of color, immigrants, queer people, and other outsiders in Charlottesville, carefully considering how their experiences changed after August 2017.” Author Ann Beattie published a collection of short stories entitled “viewpoints”, which also develop after the concentration.

Actress and performance artist born in India Priyanka Shettywho was enrolled at UVA during Unite the Right but out of town during the event, has received praise for her off broadway show titled #Charlottesville. Her one-woman show was inspired by interviews with local residents and reportedly “explores the deep racial inequalities that have historically existed in Charlottesville and how it became one of the most horrific manifestations of racial violence. ..”

artist Jonathan HorowitzPut the hate in plain sight” in an exhibition curated for the Jewish Museum of New York. The collection “was conceived from a starting point in 2017 after the most public display of America’s broad current of hate, the ‘Unite the Right’ demonstration, where a horde of villains converged on Charlottesville, Virginia, proud of their sick thinking. and seeking to broadcast it.” Includes one untitled sculpture which “depicts the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee as it appeared covered by a black tarp.”

The importance of fiction in generating emotional resolution and moral authority cannot be overstated. A historian explains that ”

Myth-building about Unit the Right is an important tool of communist revolutionaries. As false narratives build, overshadowing the reality of a seminal event in modern history,’s mission to preserve and spread the truth is more important than ever.


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