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Andrea Mitchell worries about 'gritty details' in Hunter Biden's memoir cited in new indictment

Hunter Biden's federal indictment left MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell concerned about the “gritty details of Hunter's memoir” that were cited in the presentation.

(Video: MSNBC)

Accustomed to glossing over, turning a blind eye to, or outright denying the wrongdoing of their favorite sect of society, the corporate media were left in a bind after special counsel David Weiss included accounts of the young man's memoirs Biden “Beautiful Things” as part of indictment on felony tax evasion.

On MSNBC Friday, host Andrea Mitchell found herself confronted with the reality of the allegations against the president's son, as well as her own account of her illicit past that appeared to support the federal case against he

“The president's son, Hunter, is now facing a second federal indictment and not the misdemeanor tax charge he thought he was being handed with the plea deal that collapsed in June,” he start with a failed reference. deal love which was intended to connect the tax charges with the federal gun charges. “This time, nine charges with three felony counts in an alleged criminal scheme to avoid paying taxes on millions of dollars in income.”

“The president himself does not appear in the indictment, but it could help arm Republicans in the House with their upcoming vote to open an impeachment inquiry into Mr. Biden, with huge political implications for the campaign. re-election. The president ignoring the reporters' questions about his son a few moments ago when he left Washington on a campaign out west,” Mitchell continued.

That's when the host seemed to regret that Biden's own words might implicate him, noting, “Special prosecutor David Weiss cited hard-hitting details from Hunter's memoir to build his case.”

“The filing also alleges that Hunter Biden misreported expenses on his tax returns, claiming that a payment listed as a golf club deposit was actually a sex club membership,” he said. “This is alleged fraud.”

The indictment specifically stated, “Unbeknownst to CA's accountants, in his memoirs, the defendant described the year 2018 as dominated by the use of crack cocaine” twenty-four hours a day, smoking every fifteen minutes, seven days a week.”

Hunter Biden indictment on… for CBS News Policy

The file went on to note how that same year Hunter said in the memoir that he “paid for an entourage of:” thieves, drug addicts, petty dealers, strippers, con artists and various hangers-on, who they later invited. your friends and associates and your most recent connections. They latched onto me and wouldn't let go, all with my approval. I never slept. There was no clock. The day turned into night and the night into day.'”

That wasn't the only point Mitchell had to report on the allegations, as he also had to provide some details about the young Biden's cozy relationship with that “sugar brother,” Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris. of whom IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler testified that Hunter had done. raised $4.9 million to cover “personal expenses.”

“The indictment also highlights the relationship between Hunter Biden and his entertainment attorney Kevin Morris, who is also a presidential donor to Biden. Apparently, he did not know Mr. Morris very well,” Mitchell stated. “He is a major Democratic donor and he paid his taxes late.”

As unaccustomed to confronting the Democrats' alleged wrongdoing as her viewers were, Mitchell was accused of making “Fox propaganda” for her sanitized reporting on the impeachment.


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