The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
There are consequences for virtually every mainstream media, Democrat, and left-wing academic calling former President Donald Trump a Nazi, a fascist, a white supremacist, and a mortal threat to American democracy. One consequence is that more than a few people will want Trump dead, assassinated if necessary; who wouldn't want such an individual dead?
Here are a small number of incendiary comments:
– The New Republic June 2024 cover is “American Fascism” – with Trump drawn as Adolf Hitler:
“Today, at The New Republic, we think we can spend this election year one of two ways. We can spend it debating whether Trump meets the nine or 17 points that define fascism. Or we can spend it saying, 'He's close enough, and we'd better fight.”
— ABC News, Dec. 20, 2023, “Donald Trump's history with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi writings” by Jonathan Karl: “There have been multiple reports of Trump privately admiring Hitler.”
— Bloomberg, April 13, “Trump's fascination with Hitler is an ominous echo of the 1930s” by Max Hastings.
— The Associated Press, Dec. 27, 2023, “Trump says he didn't know his immigration rhetoric echoes Hitler. This is part of a larger pattern,” by Jill Colvin.
— USA Today, June 27, “Trump said Hitler 'did a lot of good things?' by Maya Marchel Hoff.
— The Washington Post, Dec. 20, 2023, “Yes, it's OK to compare Trump to Hitler. Don't Let It Stop You” by Mike Godwin: “When people draw parallels between Donald Trump's candidacy in 2024 and Hitler's progression from marginal figure to great dictator, we're not kidding.”
— “Trump and Hitler: A Comparative Study in Lying” (?Palgrave Macmillan, 2024) by Henk de Berg, Professor of German at the University of Sheffield.
— Politico, Dec. 10, 2023: “Why Biden Campaign Continues to Link Trump to Hitler”:
“In most situations, comparing a political opponent to Adolf Hitler might seem like an extraordinary step. For the Joe Biden campaign, it has become part of the routine of running against Donald Trump. … The campaign went released a statement attacking Trump for “channeling his role models while playing Adolf Hitler.” … It was the fourth time in the past six weeks that the Biden campaign has compared Trump's comments to Hitler's.
Even after Trump was almost killed:
— In The Atlantic, July 14, David Frum writes:
“Fascist movements are secular religions. Like all religions, they offer martyrs as proof of truth. The Mussolini movement in Italy built imposing monuments to their fallen comrades. The Trump movement now enhances this: the leader himself will be the martyr-in-chief, his own blood the basis of his bid for power and vengeance.”
In addition to the constant accusations of being a Hitler, the entire left regularly lies about Trump or distorts what he said.
One of the left's biggest lies is that Trump referred to the Nazis who demonstrated in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 as “very good people.” President Joe Biden has repeated this lie dozens of times, including in his recent debate with Trump. In fact, Biden repeatedly claims that Trump's alleged statement is the reason he decided to run for president (another lie).
On June 21, the fact-checking website Snopes ruled the allegation “false”:
“No, Trump didn't call neo-Nazis and white supremacists 'very good people'.”
Snopes was about seven years too late, but at least he finally told the truth. However, despite Snopes leaning to the left, its decision has had no effect on Biden or any of the left-wing media. Last week, The New York Times, in a lead editorial titled “Donald Trump Is Unfit to Lead,” repeated the lie: “When America watched white nationalists and neo-Nazis march through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and Activists were demonstrating against racism, Mr. Trump spoke of “very good people on both sides.”
For the record, many of us knew this was a lie from the beginning. To cite one example, as early as August 2019, PragerU posted a video by then-CNN political analyst Steve Cortes, viewed more than 10 million times, titled “What Happened in Charlottesville?” It proved that Trump's claim that neo-Nazis were “very good people” was a lie. The video, by the way, cost Cortés his job at CNN. His truth in Charlottesville was too much for them.
Then there's the equally widespread accusation, made in virtually every left-wing media outlet, that, like Hitler, Trump called political enemies “fibers.” As the title of a Washington Post column by Marianne LeVine, a national political reporter for the Post, put it: “Trump calls political enemies 'vermin,' echoing dictators Hitler and Mussolini.”
Here's what Trump actually said: “We promise you that we will drive out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and the thugs of the radical left who live like an insect within the borders of our country. … They will do anything, legal or illegal. legal, to destroy America and to destroy the American dream”.
Three points:
First, Trump didn't label his “political enemies” as “low.” He used this word only to describe Communists, Marxists, Fascists and radical left thugs. That's what any decent person should do.
Second, he didn't label them as “vermin.” He said they “live like pests” because they “will do anything, legal or illegal, to destroy America and to destroy the American dream.” Again, correct.
Third, Hitler used the word “downfall” to describe Jews, not “political enemies,” to justify their extermination. People know it. Therefore, Trump's association with Hitler due to the use of “fibers” is meant to imply that, like Hitler, Trump seeks to exterminate his “political enemies.”
These lies about Trump explain why an assassination attempt was inevitable.
Dennis Prager is a national radio talk show host and columnist. His commentary on Numbers, the fourth volume of “The Rational Bible,” his five-volume commentary on the first five books of the Bible, will be published in November 2024 and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. He is the co-founder of Prager University and can be reached at
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