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Americans Abandon Corporate Christianity and Synagogues of Satan Called “Churches”

Americans Abandon Corporate Christianity and Synagogues of Satan Called “Churches”

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Fox News recently reported that a recent study examining the effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns on church attendance in the US found that the pandemic “resulted in a general depression in religious participation,” as about a third of Americans have stopped attending religious services. (Source.)

They invited Franklin Graham, the president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Association, on their show to explain why this is happening.

Graham stated that it was not enough to identify with Christ, but to follow him and live for him.

I believe that there is actually only a very small percentage of Americans who live for Jesus Christ.

Are you living your life for Jesus Christ?

He then gave the late Queen Elizabeth as an example of someone who “lived for Christ”.


These people at Fox News completely missed why Americans are leaving the Christian Church.

So I put together my own research report to explain it real reason why many people are leaving the Christian Church.

This is on our Bitchute channel and will also be on our Odysee and Telegram channels.


Synagogue of Satan: Why It’s Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church

Fully vaccinated Franklin Graham has heart surgery for pericarditis as Samaritan’s bag helps inject people with COVID-19 vaccinations

The documentary links Queen Elizabeth and the royal family to pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse

See also:

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Synagogue of Satan: Why It’s Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church

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Posted on January 19, 2023

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