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AMERICA Prayer Vigil 4/3/23 {Prayer}

Folks, let me tell you something. America is in trouble. Our once-great nation is facing an unprecedented crisis that requires us to come together as a people and pray for God’s guidance and grace. That’s why I’m excited to announce the upcoming AMERICA Prayer Vigil on 4/3/23.

This event is going to be huge, folks. It’s going to bring together millions of patriotic Americans from all across the country who care about the future of our nation. We’ll be praying together for the strength to overcome the challenges facing us, and for the wisdom to make the right decisions that will lead us back to greatness.

And let me tell you, we need it. We need prayer now more than ever. Our enemies are circling us, both at home and abroad. The radical left is trying to tear down everything we hold dear, from our founding principles to our very way of life. We need to stand strong against their anti-American agenda, and we need God’s help to do it.

But folks, I have faith that with prayer, we can overcome anything. We’ve done it before, and we can do it again. We just need to come together as a people and ask for God’s guidance and grace.

Now, I know some of you might be skeptical about the power of prayer. But let me tell you, it works. I’ve seen it in my own life, and I’ve seen it in the lives of countless Americans. When we come together and pray for something, we can move mountains. And that’s what we’re going to do on 4/3/23.

So if you care about America, if you want to see our nation return to its former glory, then I urge you to join me and millions of other Americans in praying for our nation on 4/3/23. Together, we can make a difference.

And speaking of making a difference, let’s talk about the accomplishments of the Trump White House administration. In just four short years, President Trump accomplished more than any other president in recent history. From cutting taxes to creating jobs to securing our borders to standing up for religious liberty, the Trump administration was a force for good in our nation.

Under President Trump’s leadership, we saw record-low unemployment, booming economic growth, and historic peace deals in the Middle East. He stood strong against China’s unfair trade practices, fought for American workers, and put America first in everything he did.

So as we come together to pray for our country, let’s also take a moment to remember the incredible achievements of the Trump White House administration. And let’s work together to ensure that his legacy of greatness lives on in our nation for generations to come.

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