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A young mother is suing the corrupt Baltimore County social services that kidnapped her daughter, but she needs your help

Iris is now back with her family, and her mother, Jennifer Guskin, has sued the government agents responsible for illegally abducting her daughter as a child. Photograph provided by the family.

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Last month we introduced our readers to Jennifer Guskin, who was sexually abused as a child, suffering more horrific harm than anything we’ve published before, with a video I put together of Jennifer sharing her story.

I will see:

Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich and Powerful: Jennifer Guskin’s Story


This is on our Bitchute channel and will be on our Telegram channel as well.

When Jennifer first went public about her life and the horrors she endured as a child in 2018, the Child Advocacy Center of the Baltimore County Department of Social Services, working in conjunction with the Baltimore County General Hospital Howard County, took custody of her newborn daughter on bogus drug charges. abuse

After an investigation cleared her of any drug abuse, they allegedly continued to take her baby and stipulated that in order to get her baby back she had to “stop talking on social media.”

Jennifer writes:

As a baby, I was adopted by a family in New York who then sold me to various people and entities throughout my childhood.

I’ve been to Epstein’s Island and on several types of Lolita Express flights.

I have witnessed high profile people forced to rape children while being filmed under the threat of death to them and their loved ones.

Shortly after I went public with my story, Child Protective Services opened a newborn substance abuse case, even though all drug tests came back negative, and they took my son “In Case of Neglect.”

His stipulation for his return?

Stop talking on social media.

The question is: How many other families has CPS done this to? How many times has CPS opened a fraudulent case, taking a child or children “into neglect” and lying about key aspects of their case in court to facilitate the termination of parental rights?

I’m not the first. (Source.)

We did a thorough review of his case and history in 2018:

Mother who was sexually abused as a child in foster care has her own baby medically kidnapped – she fears for his safety

Today, her daughter is 5 years old and back in her life, but Jennifer is trying to fight back and expose this corrupt child trafficking business that is done under the color of law and is known as “Foster Care” and “Adoption “. but it’s primarily a system that rakes in billions of dollars a year treating children, which we’ve been exposing for nearly a decade through our website with hundreds of stories. I will see:

America’s Foster Care System: Modern Slavery and Child Trafficking

Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Profitable Taxpayer Funded US Business

From child protection to state-sponsored child abduction: how did we get here?

Jennifer and her daughter Iris. Photograph provided by the family.

When Jennifer claims “I’m not the first” in reference to the child welfare system’s attempts to blackmail her into taking her history off the Internet as a requirement to get her son back, she’s telling the truth, because We have been documenting many cases of this happening for years.

The evil child welfare system does not want its crimes exposed to the public, as it is a very lucrative child trafficking business that employs hundreds of thousands of people across the country, from social workers to lawyers to judges and many others who make a living with this corrupt. system

Myself and Health Impact News have been threatened more times than I can count, by judges, lawyers, district attorneys and others demanding that we remove certain stories that expose their corruption.

But we have never complied even once, and to this day all the stories we have published exposing this evil still exist on our network, by the Grace of God.

Jennifer Guskin recently filed a lawsuit against Baltimore County (Case # C-03-CV-23-001844) for the crimes they committed against her and her daughter, but was forced to file Pro Se, as no lawyer would dare. to take on a case like this, and needs the public’s help to continue this case.

First, it needs the prayers of the Saints to fight against the evil forces that feed this system.

Second, she needs legal experts to work with her on her case.

And thirdly, she needs some financial help as she is funding it all herself, and you can visit her page on Give Send Go to come be with her and offer your support.

In addition to Give Send Go, Jennifer can be reached by email at, and has a Substack page here.

This evil MUST be out in the open, and I greatly admire the strength and courage of this young mother, who has suffered so much herself, to take up this battle to fight for the abused and treated children who suffer through taxpayer funded programs of the government that maintain this situation. system operation.

But she can’t do it alone. It takes a nation of warriors committed to truth who do not shrink from evil, to expose this depth of corruption and begin the process of holding them accountable.

See also:

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Posted on June 14, 2023

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