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A whistleblower claims the IceCube lab in Antarctica has energy weapons that can cause earthquakes

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is located at the South Pole, which searches for subatomic particles called “neutrinos”. It is managed by an international group of scientists, made up of approximately 300 physicists from 58 institutions in 14 countries called the IceCube Collaboration.

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is the first detector of its kind, designed to observe the cosmos from deep within the ice of the South Pole. An international group of scientists responsible for scientific research makes up the IceCube Collaboration.

With one cubic kilometer of ice, IceCube searches for nearly massless subatomic particles called neutrinos. These high-energy astronomical messengers provide information for investigating the most violent astrophysical sources: events such as exploding stars, gamma-ray bursts, and cataclysmic phenomena involving black holes and neutron stars.

The Antarctic Neutrino Observatory, which also includes the IceTop surface array and the DeepCore dense backfill array, was designed as a multipurpose experiment. IceCube contributors address several important questions in physics, such as the nature of dark matter and the properties of the neutrino itself. IceCube also observes cosmic rays interacting with Earth’s atmosphere, which have revealed fascinating structures that are not currently understood.

Approximately 300 physicists from 58 institutions in 14 countries make up the IceCube Collaboration. The international team is responsible for the scientific program, and many of the collaborators have contributed to the design and construction of the detector. Exciting new research conducted by the collaboration opens a new window to explore our universe.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) provided the lead funding for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, with assistance from collaborating funding agencies around the world. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is the lead institution, responsible for detector maintenance and operations. Funding agencies in each partner country support their scientific research efforts. (Source.)

Funding comes from both government sources, mainly through universities, and the private sector. The website is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin.

IceCube is a cubic kilometer particle detector made of Antarctic ice and located near the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. It is buried beneath the surface, extending to a depth of about 2,500 meters.

IceCube, the South Pole Neutrino Observatory, is a cubic kilometer particle detector made of Antarctic ice and located near the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. It is buried beneath the surface, extending to a depth of about 2,500 meters. A surface array, IceTop, and a denser inner subdetector, DeepCore, significantly enhance the observatory’s capabilities, making it a multipurpose facility.

IceCube is the first gigaton neutrino detector ever built and was designed primarily to observe neutrinos from the most violent astrophysical sources in our universe. Neutrinos, nearly massless particles with no electrical charge, can travel from their sources on Earth without any attenuation or deflection by magnetic fields.

IceCube’s ice component consists of 5,160 digital optical modules (DOMs), each with a ten-inch photomultiplier tube and associated electronics. The DOMs are connected to vertical “chains”, frozen in 86 holes and distributed over a cubic kilometer from 1,450 meters to 2,450 meters deep. The strings are laid out in a hexagonal grid spaced 125 meters apart and have 60 DOM each. The vertical separation of the DOMs is 17 meters.

Eight of these strings in the center of the array were deployed more compactly, with a horizontal separation of about 70 meters and a vertical DOM spacing of 7 meters. This denser configuration forms the DeepCore subdetector, which lowers the neutrino energy threshold to about 10 GeV, creating the opportunity to study neutrino oscillations.

IceTop consists of 81 stations located above the same number of IceCube chains. Each station has two tanks, each equipped with two downward facing DOMs. Built as a veto and calibration detector for IceCube, IceTop also detects primary cosmic ray showers in the energy range of 300 TeV to 1 EeV. The surface array measures the arrival directions of cosmic rays in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as the flux and composition of cosmic rays.

Developments in neutrino astronomy have been driven by the search for cosmic ray sources, which have led at an early stage to the concept of a cubic kilometer neutrino detector. Cosmic rays, which consist primarily of protons, are the highest-energy particles ever observed, with energies more than a million times those achieved by current particle accelerators on Earth.

AMANDA, the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array, was built as a proof of concept in the mid-1990s and demonstrated that the extremely clear Antarctic ice was suitable for detecting energetic neutrinos. IceCube, the only cubic kilometer neutrino detector built to date, was completed in December 2010, just six years after the first string was deployed at the South Pole. (Source.)

A whistleblower who worked at IceCube for about a year has gone public with warnings about the alleged technology associated with IceCube, claiming they have developed energy weapons that can cause earthquakes.

He was a contractor for Raytheon, one of the world’s largest corporations that develops weapons for the military.

How do you develop the technology that will transform aerospace and defense?

Start with 59,000 engineers, 60,000 patents, $7.1 billion in annual research and development funding, and 13 technology roadmaps that reflect what our customers will need in the future.

Then you add a venture capital division that invests in companies trying bold new concepts in areas like artificial intelligence and electrified propulsion, and top it off with research involving more than 80 American universities.

This is our formula for transformative technologies: the products, systems and concepts to help our customers meet their most critical needs, as well as those they have not yet imagined. (Source.)

On the Raytheon Technologies website, they have a section that explains how they develop “transformational technologies”, and one of those technologies is “Advanced Detection”.

We have a strong heritage in developing radio frequency, electro-optical/infrared detection, communications and electronic warfare systems for space, air, ground, sea and underwater environments. (Source.)

Eric J Hecker was a Raytheon contractor who spent about a year at the IceCube facility in Antarctica.

His biography:

Currently residing in Alaska, Eric is a self-taught investigative researcher who draws from his many strange life experiences and connects with others.

Eric grew up on Long Island, home of the now famous Montauk Project. His childhood included being part of the Stargate project run by the CIA/DIA. He later had experiences in the Submarine Service. After that, he became a plumber for some of the richest people in the world on Long Island. In 2010, Eric contracted a year to work at the South Pole Station.

Ever the avid researcher, it wasn’t until Eric began working remotely across the state of Alaska that he began to make connections that maybe his own life hadn’t been what he thought it was. (Source.)

Greg Reese published a report this week about Hecker’s claims as a whistleblower and that an energy weapon exists that can cause earthquakes.

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Posted on June 16, 2023

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