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A Hill To Die On (What do we do now?)

Good evening, America. Tonight, we need to talk about the looming question facing many in the Republican party: what do we do now? With the election of Joe Biden as President, and Democrats taking control of both the House and the Senate, many are wondering how we move forward. Some have suggested that we simply roll over and accept the new administration’s agenda. Others have proposed a more combative approach, refusing to work with Democrats on any issue. But I believe there’s a better path.

We must continue to fight for our values, but we cannot become obstructionists. We must work towards finding common ground where we can, and pushing back where we must. And make no mistake, there will be plenty of pushing back to do. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made it clear that they intend to pursue an aggressive, far-left agenda that will do real harm to our country.

We must stand firm on issues like protecting the unborn, defending the Second Amendment, and securing our borders. We must continue to advocate for smaller government, lower taxes, and individual freedom. And we must forcefully push back against the radical left’s attempts to divide us and silence our voices.

But we cannot simply be the party of opposition. We must also work to offer solutions to the problems facing our country. We must offer a positive vision for America, one that celebrates our founding principles and the exceptionalism of our country.

In short, we must continue to be a party that fights for what we believe in, but in a way that is constructive and effective. We cannot simply be defined by what we’re against, we must also be defined by what we’re for. That’s the only way we can win over hearts and minds, and continue to move our country forward.

And let’s not forget the significant accomplishments of the Trump White House administration. The economy saw tremendous growth, with record-low unemployment rates across many demographics. The administration prioritized national security, defeating ISIS, and brokering peace in the Middle East. And through Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration played a vital role in the development and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. Let’s not forget the good that was accomplished, even in the face of unprecedented opposition from the left.

So let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work, America. We have a lot of ground to cover, and a lot of battles to fight. But if we do so with a clear-eyed vision and a commitment to our values, we can continue to make America great. Thank you, and goodnight.

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