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CNN's Tapper runs interference for DOJ on conveniently timed Hunter Biden indictments

Things turned funny on Friday's episode of CNN's “The Lead,” when host Jake Tapper decided sarcasm was a better way to counter Rep. James Comer's concern than Hunter Biden's impeachment by Special Counsel David Weiss she may have been programmed to “protect.” the first son will be deposited in Congress next week.

“My job is not to entertain you all,” Comer (R-Ky.) told Tapper. “My job is to get the proof.”

And the chairman of the House Oversight Committee said there is plenty of “evidence” to look at.

(Video: CNN)

“We have over 20,000 pages of bank documents. We have dozens and dozens of cables from our enemies around the world,” Comer said. “We have no idea what the Bidens were doing to receive this money. They didn't pay a cent in taxes.”

“What he was charged with, with that indictment last night,” he continued, referring to Hunter, “had nothing to do with the so-called loans. We have identified, it seems, with the son and brother of president, over $14 million in loans where they don't appear to have made any payments – principal or interest – at what point do these loans, if you're not going to pay them back, become income?

Comer believes there are still crimes to be solved.

“So we think this is just the tip of the iceberg,” he told Tapper. “We believe there are many more crimes. and my concern is that Weiss impeached Hunter Biden to protect him from having to be impeached before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.”

With smug disdain, Tapper defended President Biden's Justice Department.

“Ah, yes! Yes!” he shot back, feigning an epiphany. “She accused him to protect him. Yes! The classic rubric. She accused him to protect him. I got it!”

Comer persisted, accusing the DOJ of a “cover-up.” Tapper stopped just short of handing him a tinfoil hat.

“Is that why you accused him, to protect him?” he asked, mocking the Republican lawmaker. “To cover it up?”

“Look, you're accusing him of the smallest thing, the weapons charge and not paying taxes…” Comer tried to explain.

The liberal host cut him off.

“He faces 17 more years in prison!” Tapper exclaimed. “These are crimes!”

“Yeah, but look what he's done!” Comer replied. “Anybody else in America would be in jail by now.”

“You say you owe him two million dollars,” he continued. “Maybe you owe him seven or eight million dollars. If these loans are fraudulent loans, I mean, a loan means you're going to pay it back.”

“At the end of the day,” Comer said, “this money comes from bad people all over the world. Why are they paying Hunter Biden? We think it's because they wanted direct access to Joe Biden, and I don't think any North- American, whether Democrat or Republican, would like to have a president engaged with our greatest enemy in the world, China.

On Thursday, Rep. Kelly Armstrong (RN.D.) presented a 14-page resolution directing the House Oversight, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees to “continue their impeachment investigation of President Joe Biden.”

The resolution puts House Republicans one step closer to formal impeachment.

“It is time for the House to take the next step in the Biden impeachment inquiry and adopt an investigative resolution,” Armstrong said in a statement.

Armstrong continued:

The White House and several witnesses have repeatedly refused to cooperate with the investigation and have refused subpoenas. Despite this denial, the investigation has uncovered alarming details that call for deeper scrutiny.

The Biden family and their associates received more than $24 million from foreign nationals. Joe Biden received $200,000 from his brother, James Biden, on the same day James received a $200,000 loan from a failed rural hospital operator. Joe Biden also received $40,000 in laundered Chinese money from his brother and sister-in-law.

It is clear that the Biden family sold influence around the world using the Joe Biden name as a product. An investigation in any jurisdiction in the country would go forward if it had these facts.

A vote on an impeachment inquiry puts the House in the best position to prevail in court and uncover the truth.


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