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UN Ceasefire Appeal Called ‘Absolute Failure’ by Policy Expert

A policy expert and former UN speechwriter has described the UN’s call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas as an “absolute failure”. This follows a series of serious attacks against Israel by Hamas in the past month.

Aviva Klompas, the co-founder and CEO of Boundless Israel, and former director of speechwriting at Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, expressed her disappointment in a recent interview. He criticized the United Nations for failing in its mandate to prevent atrocities and maintain international peace.

Klompas claims that Israel has suffered the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, with the United Nations standing by as Hamas misappropriated billions in international aid and committed numerous human rights violations against the Palestinian people

UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ call for an immediate ceasefire was met with heavy criticism by Klompas, who called it “one of the most shameful and derogatory statements”. He stressed that the United Nations had the opportunity to intervene over the past 15 years, but chose to remain passive while Hamas perpetrated terror and violence.

US leaders, including Senator Lindsey Graham, have also criticized the United Nations’ handling of the situation, calling it “the most anti-Semitic body on the planet”. Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations even called for Guterres’ resignation, claiming he was unfit to lead the organization.

Despite Guterres’ subsequent statement condemning Hamas attacks on Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected calls for a ceasefire, arguing that it would be tantamount to surrendering to terrorism.

The situation in the Middle East remains volatile, and Iran’s role in the attacks is a cause for concern. Klompas warns that Iran, a known supporter of genocidal jihadist terrorist organizations, aims to defeat Israel and ultimately the United States. She warns that if Israel falls, the war could reach American soil and urges the world to recognize Israel’s frontline position in this conflict.

This incisive analysis highlights the complexities of the conflict and raises serious questions about the role of the United Nations in preserving global peace and security. As the situation continues to evolve, the world anxiously awaits a peaceful resolution to this growing crisis.

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