Devil’s Advocate: Maybe the leftists orchestrated all of this to turn out this way. I will explain:
Only an idiot could fail to see that GEOTUS + Friendly Public = massive Trump win. CNN had to know this was going to happen. Rolling Stone (and NYT, etc.) had a bunch of WEEE articles prepped and ready to go within minutes of the town hall ending. the talking points were already disseminated to the Twitter-bots. Mind you, the whole logistics of this crap takes time – it takes enough time that I suspect it was all pre-positioned, and I daresay pre-written, with only a handful of bits to add to make it seem relevant enough. .
In their rotten little minds (and no one else’s) , I think this is their theory of operation: They fear having to face any other candidate. They think DeSantis is a viable challenger (hint: he’s not, at least not yet). They stupidly think they can beat GEOTUS in 2024 (and that literally anyone else in the GOP lineup would be impossible to beat, given what they have on the bench), so they want to push Trump at all costs and put it back on the table. top of the GOP ticket for 2024.
I think it will backfire horribly on them, but I can clearly see all the hallmarks of a fake outrage campaign being waged here by the left…not really to convince us, but to pump outrage porn into their followers