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You’re watching yourself! More security cameras per capita in the US than in China: Silicon Valley Whistle Blower

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Americans today seem to be mostly oblivious and unconcerned that they are being watched, listened to and recorded every day by Big Tech globalists.

I posted an article on this topic earlier this month, and it’s one of the least read articles I’ve published this month. For some reason, while most people seem to be aware that the technology they use is tracking them, they don’t seem to think it affects them too negatively.

But I wonder how the people who were in Washington DC on January 6, 2021 and were subsequently arrested and questioned for simply being in the area where Trump’s rally was being held, simply because they were carrying a cell phone that tracked their location, which was then obtained from companies such as Google, do they feel the use of technology that spies on them?

It didn’t matter if you were there for the Trump rally or not, or if you loved or hated Trump, just being at the location and allowing Big Tech to monitor your location through your cell phone, even if the phone was on airplane mode in some cases, it was enough to warrant an arrest and questioning.

A Peek Inside the FBI’s Unprecedented Jan. 6 Geofence Dragnet

Google provided investigators with location data from more than 5,000 devices as part of the federal investigation into the attack on the US Capitol.

The FBI’s largest investigation included the largest haul of phones from the controversial geofencing orders, court records show. A filing in the case of one of the Jan. 6 suspects, David Rhine, shows that Google initially identified 5,723 devices that were in or near the US Capitol at the time of the unrest. So far, only about 900 people have been charged with crimes related to the siege.

The filing suggests that dozens of phones that were on airplane mode during the riots, or otherwise out of cell service, were caught in the drag. Nor would users be able to erase their digital traces later. In fact, 37 people who tried to delete their location data after the attacks were singled out by the FBI for further scrutiny.

Geofence search commands are intended to locate anyone in a given area using digital services. Because Google’s location history system is powerful and widely used, the company receives about 10,000 geofence orders in the US each year. Location history uses GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals to locate a phone within a few meters. (Full article.)

I wonder how British journalist Thomas Hale feels about technology spying on him, after he traveled to China and ended up in a COVID-19 quarantine camp against his will for 10 days. no because he tested positive for COVID, but because he was tracked through his cell phone as being close to another person who tested positive for COVID. I will see:

A Western journalist publishes a rare glimpse inside a Chinese COVID-19 quarantine camp

A lawsuit was recently filed against the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for allegedly working with Google to install “spyware” on the Android devices of one million state residents without their knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic ( Source.).

So the technology used in China to confine people to quarantine camps also exists here in the US. In fact, according to a Silicon Valley whistleblower, there are more security cameras per capita here in the US, right now, than in China!

This is definitely an important topic that everyone needs to be educated on, which is why I encourage you to take the time to watch this recent interview with Silicon Valley whistleblower Aman Jabbi, who was recently interviewed by Maria Zeee.

I used to do Big Tech for a living and have been warning people for years that the biggest threat from Big Tech is NOT the technology that will supposedly replace humans or spawn new “transhumans”, the biggest threat was the artificial use intelligence (AI) to be able to control large amounts of data to try to track every person on the face of the planet.

But having been out of the tech field for many years, even I learned a lot from this interview with Aman Jabbi, who has since moved from Silicon Valley to live in a remote area of montana

Aman’s area of ​​expertise is in camera technology, and watching his presentation introduced me to new concepts I was previously unfamiliar with, such as geofencing, panoptics, conversational pedometers, and LED disablers.

If you are unfamiliar with these terms, as I am not, this video is must be seen. It was posted a week ago and already has over 270,000 views as of this writing.

One of the things Aman discussed was the fact that collecting data on children is “BIG BUSINESS” and parents are unwittingly providing that data to Big Tech through the use of their products, such as the “Talk Pedometer”.

LENA technology is the industry standard for measuring conversation with children, which is a critical factor in early brain development. LENA uses a small wearable device, often called a “conversation pedometer,” combined with cloud-based software to provide detailed feedback that helps adults sustainably and demonstrably increase interactive conversation with children. (Source.)

Obviously, this opens more doors for the State and the Child Welfare system to monitor parents and be able to medically abduct their children if they do not raise them according to predetermined standards, as these parents use internet-connected devices in their own home allowing Big Tech to spy on them.

Aman talks about things like “Prodigy Asset Pools” where investments are made in smart kids with great potential. But there is even more money to be made from children with physical or special needs, from the sale of drugs and therapies. Parents who do not comply could lose their children to the State.

Another topic that Aman covered in his presentation was “LED Capacitors” and “Smart Light Poles”.

The colored LED capacitor shown on a light pole in this picture above was supposedly sent to him by someone in Canada, and he still doesn’t know how widespread they are.

But these are weapons, and the fact that these LED light weapons exist is not an area of ​​dispute, as there is even a Wikipedia page about them, and law enforcement agencies are allegedly already using them.

A disabling light-emitting diode (LED) is a weapon designed like a flashlight. It emits an extremely bright, fast, and well-focused series of “random pulses of different colors.” Before human eyes can focus on one frequency, another frequency appears, causing intracranial pressure, which causes headache, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, irritability, and visual impairment of the target.

The non-lethal weapon is intended as a means of protection by law enforcement officials such as police and border patrol. The light emitted is capable of temporarily blinding opponents so they can be subdued more easily. (Source.)

Watch the full interview Maria Zeee and Aman Jabbi. I don’t agree with everything Aman says, especially his solutions. I was trying to look this guy up and find out if he had a blog or substack available to subscribe to, but at the end of the interview, when Maria asked how people could find him, he said through his Facebook page, that I found it puzzling.

He even admitted during the interview that because they were using Microsoft’s Zoom software, they were being recorded and it was affecting their social credit scores. And then why didn’t he recommend an alternative for video conferencing?

He also gives the location where he lives, so for whatever reason, even though he’s aware of what the tech is doing, he doesn’t make any effort to stop them from tracking him, and that’s something I definitely don’t agree with him about, how would i do it probably the people sitting in prison today who were in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, and the British journalist who was forced to stay in a quarantine camp in China because he was carrying a mobile phone.

Related (with some suggested solutions):

Are you monitored and controlled by Big Tech?

See also:

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Posted on November 28, 2022

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